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Explore Aurora is the community source for information on local businesses, their offerings and their protocols to keep everyone safe.

The Aurora Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Town of Aurora has produced the Explore Aurora guide for many years. This site is a digital extension of that guide, that is broader and more inclusive, with real time updates and the ability to expand to include local events and special offers from our local businesses. We hope that you will come back often to see what new businesses and special offers have been added. Our local businesses need our help as the pandemic continues to linger and impact their businesses. Let’s all be flexible and supportive, especially during the holiday season. Every dollar spent with a local business helps keep the local economy moving forward.

We’re excited by the impact Explore Aurora is having on businesses during this recovery stage, and we look forward to a brighter future as we bring our vibrant community together for the economic improvement of the Town of Aurora.

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Disclaimer: all individual listing content and imagery, has been provided by the respective business. Explore Aurora, The Aurora Chamber of Commerce, the Town of Aurora and the Downtown Aurora BIA hold no warranty on accuracy of information, nor responsibility for the copyright of the digital imagery used in the individual listings. All other information, including imagery, are owned or licensed by The Aurora Chamber of Commerce.